Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Fine Whine

Annie, our shelter worker and all around Girl Friday (Saturday through Thursday, too) said that I can write today's post since I am in a rather grumpy mood this morning! She said I need an outlet to express here I am! I am a Brown Tabby named Amarillo and I am about nine years old. I have been living at Purr-Angels Cat Shelter for about a year a now.

Before coming here, I had a rather hard life. I'm missing one of my toes and I have a few battle scars from my days on the street.

I love being here because I love to be held and petted. I can spend hours and hours cuddling on Annie's lap. My big gripe is that I don't like to compete for attention with all the other cats! Every time I get comfy on Annie's lap, here comes one of the other kitties to try to crowd in. Today I lost my patience and climbed up in the rafters to show my displeasure.

I am hoping that someone special will come along soon and recognize all my special qualities. It's really hard for a Tom like me because it seems like so many people are looking for kittens to adopt! I often hear them telling Annie that they just don't want an older cat.

If only they could realize how much love we have to offer and give us older guys a chance!

I have my own special webpage if anyone out here in cyberspace is looking for a lonely old Tom who will love them with all his great, big, beautiful heart!

I'm sorry if I seem to be complaining a lot today ... But Annie said that older cats are like a fine whine, so I thought I would give it my best shot!