Heavenly Investment

Fred always liked to pretend that he didn't much like cats ... just so he could impress all Annie's other dogs ... but it wasn't true. In our private moments, Fred loved to play with us and he even allowed us a cuddle now and then.
Whenever Annie would get one of her migraine headaches, Fred wouldn't leave her side until she was all well. He slept with her every night, and he was her constant companion throughout the day.
Fred had very bad arthritis, and it was often hard for him to get around. But he loved life, and he loved being with us with all his heart.
He was twelve years old on that sad day when he passed away. He hadn't shown any signs of illness, and his passing was very sudden. Our doctor thinks it was due to a heart attack.
Fred was such a character, and he added such joy to our lives! When he wanted a drink of icy cold water, he would always make his little 'grumpy' sound until Annie brought him his very own glass of water. And at night ... when he was ready to sleep ... he would raise one little front paw so that Annie could carry him to her bed.
Fred was rescued when he was just a baby of ten weeks. He was very gentle, playful and oh so smart! Annie swore he could tell time! Every evening at 10 o'clock, when it was time for our diabetic dog, Sam, to get his evening shot, Fred would set up a howl to remind Annie that it was time for Sam's insulin!
Until our time comes, Annie says that our work on this Earth must go on ... and with every new rescue, we will honor the memory of Fred, who loved us all so much! He loved all animals! ... Birds, toads, cats, cows ... and especially, he loved swimming with the ducks! So for now, we must go on ... Because that's what Fred would want us to do.
Annie says that the Bible tells us to lay up our treasures in Heaven, because where our treasures are, there will our hearts be also. Being that Fred was among our greatest treasures on Earth, she says that God's promise means that we will surely be with Fred again ... re-united at last! ... when on that great day, we will witness the Lord's wondrous Return with our very own heavenly investment!